I’m always excited about the possibilities of new art forms and mediums, but I am probably more excited about Werner Herzog investigating one of the latest trending technologies: virtual reality storytelling. Video games are an obvious outlet for this technology, but this article on The Wrap discusses some of the storytelling possibilities for filmmakers.

“One of the biggest differences between cinema and Virtual Reality is editing. “There are many cuts in traditional filmmaking, but in VR, a cut becomes a big statement. It’s disorienting,” explained Lajeunesse. “Camera movement is a convention in cinema. But to move the camera in VR is to move a viewer against their will. You have to justify every cut and movement because you’re nurturing presence.”

Read More: http://www.thewrap.com/virtual-reality-storytelling-is-trending-in-hollywood-felix-paul-studios-latest-to-jump-on-bandwagon/

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