VFX isn’t always action-packed. I love the way a subtle VFX idea can enhance the flow of a story, or provide flexibility in post.

ICON Media brought me on to this project for The National Center for Civil and Human Rights.

The idea was to create transitions that felt seamless, by placing a concrete pillar as a “wipe” between scenes. The camera tracked behind a large black flag, a great reference for where/when to obscure the shot. It’s a pretty forgiving render since there’s continuous motion blur, but the simplicity is deceptive on this one. The timing of the camera move and the lighting on the beginning and ending shots meant that each “column” needed a little tweaking to fit. I created the concrete column in Blender3D to give me flexibility in lighting, rather than painting it manually (e.g. Photoshop.) Compositing and timing then done in After Effects.

If your next project has unsolved challenges, or location limitations, a VFX Artist might be your creative solution. Reach out for a consultation.

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